This course describes the operational procedures for cleaning up the storage of an IBM i system. The discussion is divided into four major parts. After describing the need for installation standards regarding storage use, the course describes the tasks that can be performed by each user to assist in system cleanup. It then describes how you can delete unneeded objects by scheduling IBM i's automatic cleanup facility. Finally, the course describes additional techniques that you can use to minimize the amount of storage that is not being put to active use.
Approximate Study Time: 90 minutes
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify tasks that can be performed by each user to assist in system cleanup
- Identify the IBM i commands available to a user to manage his or her use of system storage
- Set up a schedule to have the system perform cleanup tasks automatically
- Initiate a system cleanup operation when an automatic schedule has not been established
- Identify the events that take place during automatic system cleanup
- Identify tasks that can be performed by the system administrator to reclaim system storage
- Determine whether an IPL should be performed to help relieve a storage or address shortage
- Clear a message queue to reset its size back to its original value
- Recover storage that is currently unavailable
Topic Outline
Establishing System Cleanup Standards
Cleaning Up User Objects
Performing Automatic Cleanup
Other Cleanup Tasks
This course should be taken by the person responsible for managing the disk storage of an IBM i system. This person may be a senior operator or a system administrator.
To perform the tasks described in this course on a real IBM i system, your user profile must specify a user class of *SECADM or *SECOFR and you must have *ALLOBJ authority.
This course assumes that you can perform basic IBM i operations. You can satisfy these prerequisites by successfully completing the courses from the following Manta series:
- The Introduction to the IBM i Environment series
- The Fundamentals of IBM i Operations series
Although not absolutely required, we recommend that you take the previous courses of this series before you start this one:
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