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Manta Technologies Inc. - Sample Sessions

Sample Session

Over 140 sample sessions are available for immediate viewing. Rather than providing a "demo" of our fanciest bits, we decided to let you take the first session of any course or Competency Exam for free.

Do the following to view a sample session:

  1. Drill down in any Courses list to find the course in which you are interested.
  2. Select the Sample Session tab.
  3. Click the link labeled "Take the first session for free!"
  4. You will be presented with a questionaire in which we ask for your contact information. Please fill in all the requested information and click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. The Questionaire will be replaced by a window containing the Manta logo.
  6. Then, a second window should open with the sample session ready to go. If this screen fails to display, please look for a message in the browser window. The second window will fail to appear if you have a pop-up blocker turned on. In that case, you'll need to take the appropriate action to let our window appear.
  7. If you have any other problems, please call our technical support department at 800-406-2682.
  8. When you are done, you can close the top window. The original window contains a button that will return you to the online Manta catalog.

You can take as many free sessions as you'd like. We will not prompt you again for the contact information, provided that you allow cookies to be stored on your PC.

Please keep in mind that you are viewing the first session of each course. Depending on the topic, this might be a general introduction or contain "level setting" information. As a result, it may not contain the detailed information or the IBM i simulations that are the trademarks of Manta courses. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning what each course actually covers.

If you are reviewing a series, keep in mind that you can view the first session of each course in the series. In general, the later sessions will be more representative of the series than the first session of the first course.