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This three-course series covers the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i. The first course, Advanced Job Scheduler Concepts, provides the concepts that everyone will need, including users, managers, operators, and system administrators. The remaining courses are for the operators and system administrators responsible for setting up and managing the Advanced Job Scheduler. The second course, The AJS Text-Based Interface, covers the traditional, text-based (green-screen) interface to the job scheduler, as well as the AJS commands. The third course, The AJS Web-Based Interface, covers the graphical interfaces supported by IBM System i Navigator and IBM Navigator for i.

Approximate Study Time for the Entire Series: 10-14 hours


This series is for everyone who will be using the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i. The first course, Advanced Job Scheduler Concepts, is designed for users, managers, operators, and system administrators. The remaining courses are for the operators and system administrators responsible for setting up and managing the Advanced Job Scheduler.


Before you begin your study of the material, you should have a working knowledge of basic IBM i concepts and facilities. You can satisfy this prerequisite by successfully completing the courses in the Manta Introduction to the IBM i Environment series.

Certain topics within the second and third courses assume you also have a detailed understanding of IBM i security and work management. You can satisfy these prerequisites by successfully completing the courses in the following Manta series:

The third course also assumes you are familiar with IBM's Navigator for i product, including how to sign onto your IBM i system using a browser and navigate the menu structure. You can satisfy this prerequisite by successfully completing the Manta course Using IBM Navigator for i.

You may also have gained this knowledge from attending classes or from relevant work experience.